aggregation.bzz (Source)

function rtod(r) {
   return (r*(180.0/math.pi))

function aggregate() {
  # neighbors.foreach applies the function to all robots within distance of each other 
  neighbors.foreach(function(rid ,data) {
    degrees = rtod(data.azimuth)
    if(degrees < 2  and degrees > (-2)) {  # Checks if any robot is within -2 degrees and 2 degrees of vision
      set_wheels(10.0, -10.0) # Sets the velocity of the wheels
    else {
      set_wheels(7.0, 10.0) # Sets the velocity of the wheels if no robot is in range of vision

### BUZZ FUNCTIONS ##############################

# Executed at init time
function init() { 

# Executed every time step
function step() {

# Executed once when the robot (or the simulator) is reset.
function reset() {
# Execute at exit
function destroy() {