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quickstart_instructions_for_buzz_argos [2016/04/07 04:39] rootquickstart_instructions_for_buzz_argos [2016/04/10 00:13] (current) – removed ilpincy
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-===== ARGoS + Buzz quick start ===== 
-==== Installing ARGoS ==== 
-[[http://www.argos-sim.info|ARGoS]] is a fast multi-robot simulator that can interoperate with Buzz. 
-To install ARGoS, go to http://www.argos-sim.info/core.php and install a binary package. To get started with ARGoS, refer to the [[https://github.com/ilpincy/argos3-examples|examples]]. 
-==== Installing Buzz ==== 
-Compile and install Buzz following the instructions reported in the [[https://github.com/MISTLab/Buzz|GitHub page]]. Make sure to compile Buzz **after** having installed ARGoS, so the compilation scripts will also compile the ARGoS integration code. 
-==== ARGoS + Buzz ==== 
-=== Integration: Basic information === 
-The Buzz integration library for ARGoS is composed of two elements: 
-  - A set of ARGoS controllers. At the moment, available controllers include one for the [[http://www.swarmanoid.org/swarmanoid_hardware.php.html|foot-bot]] (a wheeled robot) and one for the [[http://pleiades.ca|Spiri]] (a commercial quad-rotor). More can be added easily by subclassing ''CBuzzController'', defined in ''$PREFIX/include/buzz/argos/buzz_controller.h''. ''$PREFIX'' depends on your system and is usually ''/usr'' or ''/usr/local''. 
-  - A special definition of ARGoS' QtOpenGL user functions, which allow Buzz scripts to draw in the OpenGL visualization of ARGoS. With these, a developer can write debugging information on top of each robot. 
-To have ARGoS find the Buzz integration library in case you installed it in a non-default location, set the environment variable ''ARGOS_PLUGIN_PATH''. This variable is a '':''-separated list of directories in which ARGoS looks for libraries before launching an experiment. For instance: 
-<code bash> 
-$ export ARGOS_PLUGIN_PATH=/opt/lib/buzz 
-If you installed Buzz without specifying a custom installation prefix (e.g., using only ''cmake ../src; make; make install''), you don't need to set ''ARGOS_PLUGIN_PATH''. 
-=== Defining an ARGoS experiment file === 
-To use ARGoS and Buzz together, define your ''.argos'' experiment file as usual. 
-However, instead of a custom controller, in the ''<controllers>'' section use ''<buzz_controller_footbot>'' or ''<buzz_controller_spiri>'' (or both!), depending on the robots you intend to use. For example, if you want to use both controllers, write something similar to this: 
-<code xml> 
-  <controllers> 
-    <buzz_controller_footbot id="bcf"> 
-      <actuators> 
-        <differential_steering implementation="default" /> 
-        <leds                  implementation="default" medium="leds" /> 
-        <range_and_bearing implementation="default" /> 
-      </actuators> 
-      <sensors> 
-        <range_and_bearing implementation="medium" medium="rab" show_rays="true" noise_std_dev="0" /> 
-      </sensors> 
-      <params bytecode_file="myscript.bo" debug_file="myscript.bdbg" /> 
-    </buzz_controller_footbot> 
-    <buzz_controller_spiri id="bcs"> 
-      <actuators> 
-        <quadrotor_position implementation="default" /> 
-        <range_and_bearing  implementation="default" /> 
-      </actuators> 
-      <sensors> 
-        <range_and_bearing implementation="medium" medium="rab" show_rays="false" /> 
-        <positioning       implementation="default" /> 
-      </sensors> 
-      <params bytecode_file="myscript.bo" debug_file="myscript.bdbg" /> 
-    </buzz_controller_spiri> 
-  </controllers> 
-To activate drawing, use ''buzz_qt'' to indicate that you want to use the Buzz QtOpenGL user functions: 
-<code xml> 
-  <visualization> 
-    <qt-opengl> 
-      <user_functions label="buzz_qt" /> 
-    </qt-opengl> 
-  </visualization> 
-You can launch ARGoS as usual, with the command: 
-<code bash> 
-$ argos3 -c myexperiment.argos 
-Make sure the paths of the Buzz bytecode file (e.g., ''myscript.bo'' and ''myscript.bdbg'' in the above example) are set correctly. 
-=== Writing debug information === 
-The Buzz integration library offers a command, called ''debug()'', that allows the developer to write text on top of a robot as shown in this example: 
-<code javascript> 
-  x = 10 
-  debug("The value of x is ", x) 
-This will print ''The value of x is 10'' on top of each robot that executes that command. 
  • quickstart_instructions_for_buzz_argos.1460003993.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2016/04/07 04:39
  • by root