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quickstart_instructions_for_buzz_argos [2016/04/07 04:05] rootquickstart_instructions_for_buzz_argos [2016/04/10 00:13] (current) – removed ilpincy
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-==== ARGoS + Buzz quickstart ==== 
-=== ARGoS === 
-[[http://www.argos-sim.info|ARGoS]] is a fast multi-robot simulator that can interoperate with Buzz. 
-To install ARGoS, go to http://www.argos-sim.info/core.php and install a binary package. 
-=== Buzz === 
-Compile and install Buzz following the instructions reported in the [[https://github.com/MISTLab/Buzz|GitHub page]]. Make sure to compile Buzz //after// having installed ARGoS, so the compilation scripts will also compile the ARGoS integration code. 
-=== Using Buzz and ARGoS together === 
-The integration code of Buzz and ARGoS is composed of two elements: 
-- A set of ARGoS controllers. At the moment, available controllers include one for the [[http://www.swarmanoid.org/swarmanoid_hardware.php.html|foot-bot]] (a wheeled robot) and one for the [[http://pleiades.ca|Spiri]] (a commercial quad-rotor). More can be added easily by subclassing ''CBuzzController'', defined in ''$PREFIX/include/buzz/argos/buzz_controller.h''. ''$PREFIX'' is usually ''/usr'' or ''/usr/local''. 
-- A special definition of ARGoS' QtOpenGL user functions, which allow Buzz scripts to draw in the OpenGL visualization of ARGoS. With these, a developer can write debugging information on top of each robot. 
  • quickstart_instructions_for_buzz_argos.1460001933.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2016/04/07 04:05
  • by root