
This page shows the steps needed to run the experiments, it consists of steps for installation and compilation of the relevant tools. Alternatively you can download an Ubuntu virtual machine, pre-installed with ARGoS and Buzz here


Running these example require the installation of two tools:
  • ARGoS
  • Buzz

Installing ARGoS

This installation is for Ubuntu, you can download the different binaries for different platforms here

Downloading from git and installing dependencies (Ubuntu):

$ git clone argos3
$ sudo apt-get install libfreeimage-dev libfreeimageplus-dev
$ sudo apt-get install qt5-default freeglut3-dev libxi-dev libxmu-dev liblua5.2-dev
$ sudo apt-get install lua5.2 doxygen graphviz graphviz-dev asciidoc

Compiling and installing:

$ cd argos3
$ mkdir build_simulator
$ cd build_simulator
$ cmake ../src
$ make
$ make doc
$ sudo make install

Installing Buzz

Downloading from git:

$ git clone buzz

Compiling and installing:

$ cd buzz
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ../src
$ make
$ sudo make install

Compiling and running the examples

There are two main files that you should be editing:
  • Your Buzz script, yourScript.bzz
  • The ARGoS file, yourScript.argos

After any edits in the Buzz script, compile with the following command:

$ bzzc yourScript.bzz
Successful compilation of the script would output two files:
  •, a bytecode file
  • yourScript.bdb, a debug file

In your .argos file, you will need to reference these two files by adding a <params> field in your buzz_controller_footbot> field as shown below in line 10:

argosTest.argos (Source)

 <buzz_controller_footbot id="bcf">
      <differential_steering implementation="default" />
      <leds                  implementation="default" medium="leds" />
      <range_and_bearing implementation="default" />
      <range_and_bearing implementation="medium" medium="rab" show_rays="true" noise_std_dev="0" />
    <params bytecode_file="" debug_file="yourScript.bdb" />

More infomation on how to edit .argos files can be found here

To run the .argos file, type in the following:

$ argos3 -c yourScript.argos